Monday, September 28, 2020

One Block is Not Like the Others!

I found these blue strips and I had a few triangles left from the quilt top shown in the last post so I combined them into another quilt top which is like one I did probably 20 years ago.  The strips were left over from that! and I uncovered them when cleaning out a bookcase of dvds of all things!  It measures 42 x 64.  I called this one "One Block is Not Like the Others:"as there  is one triangle that is horizontal instead of vertical!

I couldn't help myself but had to start putting together some of the kaleidoscope blocks that I cut from the same fabric from which the posie quilt was made (last blog entry).  I am amazed at how different these all look.  I am thinking I may make a large quilt from these.  I find them so pretty, I probably won't combine them with the posie blocks but will choose a different set and will use white instead of black surrounding them.

I am getting my boxes ready to head to warmer climes for the winter so probably won't blog for awhile


1 comment:

  1. I love One block is not like the others. Had to zoom in to see what you were talking about 😅
