Saturday, August 28, 2021

It's Been a While!

It certainly has been a month since I  posted!!  A  lot of that time was consumed with having a garage sale and then the aches and pains suffered as a result of a very uncomfortable chair I sat in for the sale!

My oldest daughter did take me to the Montezuma Wildlife Refuge for my birthday but it was definitely a bust!  Taking a picture of a starling just to have more than one bird picture!  Every day I see these great posts on FB from other photographers of eagles, Sand Hill Cranes, Roseate Spoonbills, minks etc.!  Well, there is always next year..

With all the rain we had earlier, our Japanese Cherry tree was spectacular this year.  The branches were just loaded with blossoms

It's been unbearably humid lately so haven't gotten to sit outside to see any of the more spectacular butterflies that visit our neighbor's butterfly bush but there is always a Monarch or 2!

I  have been hard at work  on the Passacaglia quilt and have almost all the rosettes either done or in process.  I will try to get a picture of the progress soon.  I am trying to get all the fabric used that I need to finish so that I won't have to drag it down south with me.  I have enough to take down there!!  Then will be the chore of getting it together!  I also have to decide what fabric to applique it to as I refuse to cut it off like she does in the book!  Why would you do all that work and then eliminate it?

I am truly getting really tired of the pandemic and the need to isolate so much and I am trying to stay as upbeat as I can but it is difficult if not impossible.  


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