Sunday, June 2, 2024

Quiltfest -- Genesee Valley Quilt Club Show for 2024 - Part 8

I think this will be my last quilt show post.  I wish I could have taken pictures of all of them as it was a spectacular show.  This and the next quilt were by Ruth Ohol.  She, like Chris Wickert, has won many prizes in national shows.

These next three quilts are by Susan Wolak. There was a 4th but somehow I can't find it now in my pics.  These were beyond spectacular!


This was by Susan Floyd.

This was by Susan Whitney.
Unfortunately, I don't know who did this beauty.

I also don't now who did this fabulous album quilt.  My apologies!

This was done by Vicki Tinkus.

Last is my 1920s Farmer's Wife quilt.  I had four others in the show and kept looking for the last one (this one) and it was in the last row and was the last quilt in the row!  As it was so big, I hadn't gotten a very good picture of it before the show.

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