Friday, June 7, 2013

Genesee Valley Quilt Show - Part II - Applique Quilts

Our Club has always been known for its hand work and this show certainly reinforced that.  I know I have missed a couple of the exceptional quilts in this blog as I just couldn't find them among the 600+ quilts I have pictures of! This one is by Shirley Acomb and is called South African Sunshine.

This quilt is by Mary Ching and is called My Island Garden Home.  These quilts are huge and beautifully done.

In included a couple of the wholecloth quilts as well as the quilting was incredible!!!  This one actually has a dark thread as you can see in the closeup below.  It is called For Eric's Wedding and is by Lynn Blumenthau.

I loved this one of the different lighthouses.  It is by Nancy Allen and called Keeper Bill.
This is called Nature's Beauty by Ann Nash.  Ann is famous for her beautiful Welsh wholecloth quilts, one of which was in the show but which I somehow missed!  I thought this was just beautiful.

This is called Fiesta la Telavera by Sandra Buckman.

This was exquisite.  This is called Nature's Poetry and is by Vickie Coykendall who walked away with a number of awards from the show.  She is indeed an artist to be reckoned with!  She is known locally for these amazing cakes that she designs -- I could easily see her on one of the Food Channel contests -- her cakes are that beautiful.

This is called Birds of a Feather by Shirley Frew, another of our wonderful quilters.

This is called My First Attempt at Applique by Pattie Fiduccia.  Looks like a pretty good attempt to me!  How did she find the time as she was one of the show's chairs?

This is Prairie Flower by Mary Hoeppner. 
This is Rang de Basanti by Sharon Vincent.

To see all the quilts go to 2013 GVQC Quilt Show but fair warning, there are over 600 pictures!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't vote for a "Best of Show" as there were too many. Thanks for sharing your views! Claire
