Saturday, June 8, 2013

Genesee Valley Quilt Show - Pieced Quilts - Part III

 It was difficult to pick out quilts from the pieced category which included both wall sized and full sized quilts.  Again, I know I missed some.  The above is perhaps my favorite of all the quilts in the show !!  I absolutely loved the color palette and was taken by the fact that it was the same block throughout although with different emphasis using value.  The green in the corners pulls it together.  It is called Hawaiian Sunset by Gretchen Beaver.

These were tiny log cabins and again I love the colors.  This is by Beth Brewer.

This is Cactus Flower by Sandra Buckman. Beautiful intricate work.

This is Always and Forever Friends by Vickie Coykendall.   
 This is called Tribute to Dorothy by Vickie Coykendall.  There were a couple of others as well that used variations of this same pattern.  Beautiful!!
This is not one of the pieced ones but is the applique quilt that I coudn't find when adding quilts to my applique blog.  It is called My Miniature Baltimore and is by Mary Lou Dailor.

This is called Shades of Color and is by Mary Louise Gerek.  This pattern can be found in various quilt shops and was designed by Mary Louise.

 This is Kalaidoscope by Marilyn Grosshans.  Loved those medallion images like this!
This is called My Kool Kalaidoscope by Marilyn Guenther. 

This is a very small (miniature) quilt and I suspect done after a class with George Siciliano.  It is called Perserverance in Green and Purple and done by Mary Elmeda Payne.

Loved this graphic quilt called Nuit Mystere by Rita Straubhaar.
Of course, there is nothing better than a good scrap quilt and this is certainly a nice one.  It basically is a one shape quilt and I suspect that the half square triangles around the edge are the leftovers from making the larger pieces!  It is called Dark Star by Mary Wieser.

This is Where the Piano Was by Lynn Blumenthau. 
This is another of my favored scrap quilts.  This is Pinwheels by Susan Conge.

This is called Ricky and Alex and is again by Vickie Coykendall.  Magnificent!! 

This is called Rambutan by Rita Straubhaar. 
This was another of the miniatures, this one done by Faye Thompson and called Birds of Paradise. 
This is one of two Dear Jane's that were in the show.  I didn't know there was anyone besides me in the club that had done these quilts.  The lower one uses the palette which is very close to the original while the upper one has used her own interpretation using Civil War repro fabrics.

This is another quilt by Mary Wieser called Rain Forest Retreat.  Nice used of complementary colors with the bright blue accent.  I have tried to use the size of the pictures to show the size of the quilts.  You can also look at the labels which are about 4 inches by 6 inches and use that as a guide.

To see all the quilts go to 2013 GVQC Quilt Show.


  1. I was going to ask about the bits of card pegged to the sides. you say they are labels. I thought they must be, but I couldn't see any words.
    Sandy in the UK

  2. I usually use those cards to identify the quilts but this year they decided to turn them all over for the peer judging (which is when I take photos usually)! They did turn them around for the show. Luckily they had a data base with the names of the people and their quilts so I did get names and quilt names for all which are in my Picasa data base. You will certainly recognize some SAQA members in there!
