Monday, September 18, 2017

Last Day of Dyeing up North (Unless There are More Hurricanes in the Near Future)!

Okay, this is a leftover from the last batch in a potential setting for a quilt.  I have done this setting before but want to get the math down so I can include a pattern when selling the sets.  These were the grey, black and red ones.

This next bunch of pieces are all the 23 inch square pieces.  This time I was a little bit more scientific in my dyeing.  I have six dyeing spots and I dedicated three to one colorway and three to another yesterday.  This is a  little dangerous as if the colors don't work,  you have a lot more bad pieces.  Luckily, they worked.  You can definitely tell which ones were in one colorway and which were in the other!!  The blue/green ones were a combination of Intense Blue, Turquoise and Sun Yellow.

 The  other grouping was Strongest Red, Intense Blue and Sun Yellow.  I also basically "polka-dotted" the dyes on the batches over the ice, making sure there was no overlap.  I learned a lot from this dyeing day!!  The biggest lesson was that (and I know this with regular dyeing) yellow spreads like crazy over everything.  Turquoise also spreads.  I also expected the Intense Blue to be stronger.  It was basically not much stronger than the Basic Blue I have used.  I hate to use a lot of Intense Blue with this technique as you use a LOT of dye and it is very expensive!

Aotogether I did 12 of the larger pieces in this batch and 48 of the smaller pieces (11 1/2 square).  I also did six yards of "drop" cloth, half yard on top and half yard on the bottom.  I usually just grab random fabric for these and was pleased that some muslin I had from long ago dyed beautifully as well as some 90 wide 200 thread count muslin that I had just been using as a white fabric in my quilts.  It dyed really well which was a surprise.  You can really tell the difference in this batch between the fabrics on top and the ones on the bottom.

 This was a bottom piece from the primaries.  The colors are mixed together and the white spots are around the edges where the dye didn't reach and they probably didn't even have ice on them.

 This was a bottom from the blue/turquoise/yellow batch.

 This was a top where there are white spots all over and the colors have not mixed as much and there ay even be a few places where the dye powder hit directly.

 I think this is another bottom but might be a top.  Not as clear on this one.
 This is definitely a top.

This is definitely a bottom.  These pieces are all fat half yards (22 x 36 inches).  I use these for borders on the final quilts as the colors will match with the mandalas.  I am only showing a fat quarter and you can see the folds on all these pieces.  I love ironing these all!!

The next post will show all the smaller pieces from this batch!  I will be heading down south in another few days so posts will be a little sparse for a bit (especially if more hurricanes are coming).  

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