Monday, May 13, 2024

Back to Stack and Whacks!

I brought a bunch of unmade blocks back from the south figuring I would work on them here -- actually two good sized boxes full!  I have l looked everywhere but can't find a picture of the fabric from which these blocks came.  My first though was to alternate these three color borders along with a couple of other fabrics I had.  These borders are all from my hand dyes,

I didn't like how the above looked so decided I would just border with the light  purple and green and make all the blocks in the middle white.  I had 30 blocks altogether so the arrangement will be 5 x 6 and each block finishes at 8 inches.  I haven't decided what borders to add and won't finish the whole thing until I get back to the beach where my big roll of batting lives!

They aren't sewn together yet but this is how the center will look.  I will be adding probably 3 borders but will have to do some auditioning first.  I will cut the pieces and put them with the top.  I have found for me, it is much better to add the borders after I have quilted the top.



I still had a piece of fabric large enough for 4 repeats so I cut these blocks much smaller -- 2 1/2 in instead of  4 1/4.  I now have 64 of these to sew up and then more decisions about how to use them!  I like the smaller blocks better and I have loads of the light purple and light green fabric left.  I am thinking of arranging them with half square triangles.  We shall see!

In the meantime, have finally gotten all my quilts and garments ready for our quilt show this coming weekend,  There will be lots of pictures after that!!!


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