Saturday, May 18, 2024

Finishing Up Some Tops

Finally got the inside of this quilt sewn together.  I will be adding a couple of borders after I do the quilting.  As I no longer have any batting here, it will wait until I head south.  I am pretty pleased with the result.  I found that I really didn't like surrounding the blocks with anything other than white but compromsed on the border.

I actually tried a configuration with half square triangles like I have done previously but again, didn't likee the colored fabrics abutting the "posies".  So I tried this configuration which was okay but didn't increase the overall size of the quilt anymore than surrounding each of the blocks with white sashing which is what I finally decided to do.

Here you can see all 64 blocks completed and basically how I decided to go with for a solution as I really like the individual blocks.

All the blocks properly sashed.  Like the other quilt, I will first put a white border and then probably some green and maybe a dark purple.  It is currently 38 x 48.


I have a ton of 4 1/2  in x 2 1/2 strips cut.  There will probably be several more of these neonatal quilts done before I can use them all up!!  I don't have nearly enough of the 6 1/2 strips cut so that will be next.  

I still have some more blocks to deal with as well  - more stack and whacks.

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