Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oh My -- Another Walk Around Carolina Beach Lake.

Always a new surprise at this pond!! Today was no exception. Unfortunately, I went very late so the pictures aren't as good as they could be. It was very cold today and layers were called for before heading out for my walk.

Imagine my surprise when I saw this Greater Yellowlegs! He can be differentiated by the length of his bill which is much longer than that of the Lesser. I had seen one of these in Florida before but really got a good look here despite the lateness of the hour.

And then I thought I saw more Ruddy Ducks but they were definitely Pied-Billed Grebes with their itsy chubby little bills.

There were also Ring Necked Ducks which I had seen up north but not down here before.

I know I said no more Coot pictures but these Coots were out of the water walking around and I hadn't seen that before!

A lone cormorant was swimming in what little water there was.

And as it was getting duskier, there were a number of Kildeers walking along the shore.

Still working on quilt tops and here are two more. I decided to just go with high contrast so pulled lights and darks and combined them. Hard to go too far wrong when going for contrast. I have finished twenty now and 4 more in end stage. I have done 13 of the disappearing nine-patch novelty ones and 7 like this one.

Hopefully I will have enough batting at home so that I don't have to spend a lot to get these done. I KNOW I have

backing fabric!!

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