Wednesday, March 12, 2025
A Little How To for the Many Bags That I have Made
Thursday, March 6, 2025
More Baby Quilts!
This is kind of an "I Spy" which is why I blew it up a bit. Again, I used many of thpse 5 in charm squares that I have accunulated. I try to be really good now about cutting up any leftover backing fabrics into squares. I do squares with this type of fabric as it generally is highly patterned and not great for strips. I cut solid substitutes for the most part into strips This keeps the random scraps to somewhat of a minimum.
Each of these baby quilts is 40 x 40 are are distributed to the Neo-natal unit at the local hospital,I am also working on some larger quilts which go to various charities, I contributed 4 quilts to the Hurricane victim out in western North Carolina,
I have also finished a challege wall hanging for our quilt guild challege -- triangles. I call my "Somewhat Obtuse" and will post it after it is shown -- it is a secret for now!!
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Half Rectangle Triangles and a New Block I Am Trying!
This is the basic block that makes up this patterns. The only tricky part is getting the triangles going in the right direction when piecing.
I used this technique to make the half square triangles. The pieces were 5 1/4 in x 2 1/2 in. It was supposed to yield a 4 1/2 x 2 1/2 rectangle and it some cases it did!! A lot of cases it didn't...
This is the new block I will be playing with. A friend sent me the Instagram post with this made up and it was quite easy to figure it out (the piece was made up of many blocks). More on my next post about the proportions you need to make this. It is a great use of all those different size squares I have stashed away in plastic bags -- 5", 4 1/2", 4/" amd 3 1/2..
Friday, February 7, 2025
Still Quilting!! And a Couple of Birds!!
I definitely think this one which is 40 x 80 needs to be a bit wider so probably will add some borders as well.This is the back of a Quilt as You Go quilt which is 60 x 80 -- bigger than I usually go. I have a ton of 10 squares as well as all my strip scraps.
This is my latest interest and I haven't managed to conquer it yet!! This block uses half rectangle triangles which are super tricky to get the right size and I still havent succeeded. This piece has 36 blocks which you group together to make 9 big blocks. These are not sewn together yet but when they are, I am afraid a lot of points will be blunted. Haven't decided whether dI should make 7 more so that it is 4 x 4 and 44 in x 44 in. I have used 2 different techniques so far to make these triangles the right size. I finally bought two tools which should help but it is too late to change "horses" on this top! The blocks were supposed to be 6 x 6 finished but are 5 1/2 x 5 1;2 finished. I really like the effect of this block whch is easy except for those pesky half rectangle triangles!
And finally saw some Lesser Scaup down at Carolina Beach Lake. I used to see lots of different ducks down there and was glad to see some of my old favorites back.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Busy, Busy, Busy Finishing the Thirty Tops I Made Last Summer -- Almost There!!
These are several of the 10 bigger quilts and the 4 neonatal quilts I have managed to get quilted in the last few weeks.
It has been my salvation as I have encountered all sorts of problems with all the computer and computer related things in my life!! This of course is added to the annoyance on the computer on an ongoing basis!
This next quilt club meeting is a trunk show for members to show quilts from the various challenges in which they have participated. I told the woman organizing it that I had 8 or 9 and she said to bring them all so I will!! Had to check my blog so I wouldn't miss any!
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Just a Few More Quilts and Stuff
Saturday, December 28, 2024
I'm Still Here!!
These 40 x 40 inch quilts were all made for donation to the neonatal unit at the local hospital.
It is a variation of the old kaleidoscope block but with some light color in the "spokes".
Before Christmas, I had a very fun time with some friends of my daughter working on a cookie exchange in the kitchen of one of her friends!The next four are all donation quilts
for another group I participate in. They are all about 40 inches wide and 60 to 80 inches long.There is also another one still on my camera!! I have been very busy machine quilting!!
This is the block! You then put four of them together. I am working on a version of this for my guild's challenge but won't post that for awhie!