Janet always makes gorgeous pieces and especially after her classes at Quilting by the Lake (where Caren took her class as well). I don't remember the teacher but the class was on various types of curves. This was her piece from class not quite finished yet.
She also showed a jacket that she worked on during the studio the second week. No picture would do it justice. It is using a Japanese technique that utilizes scraps. Her jackets always look classy no matter what the materials or techniques.
Marcia B had two gorgeous pieces that she had done. The above one was done with fabrics she had created in a technique called silk fusion.
This zebra was created from a photograph she took in Botswana. Inspires me to go back to my and Lisa's photos from Africa.
This and the following pictures were quilts also done as a result of the QBL curves class. Regina is probably our most prolific quilter!! Loved the use of color in this one!
This piece was constructed from the leftovers from the above quilt.
Joyce shared many of the pieces she has recently painted. Since retirement, she has taken up painting fabric with a vengence!! These next few pieces were all hers.
This was one of my favorites.

I really liked this piece as well!
Liz shared this piece which Is a manipulation of one of her photos.
Donna shared a number of her beautiful dyed scarves including this one which had some felting embellishment. All were gorgeous!
Another of my art quilt friends and her beautiful ice gyed tshirts and purses.
We ate lunch and then Julie Brandon taught us how to make felted balls using both dry and wet felting techniques. It was really fun!
I can proudly say that I have managed to cut the batting and backing for 18 quilt tops. I have the backing cut for an addition 12 tops but have run out of batting but noticed there was a sale at Joanns so......Most proudly, I have managed to baste 8 quilts now!! I am trying to do 3 a day but these are the smaller ones that I can baste by pinning the to my design wall. The bigger ones will require my cutting table and much more time. I may try spray basting a couple as well -- not as easy as it sounds!!