Sunday, December 29, 2024

Just a Few More Quilts and Stuff

Just a couple more of the quilts I have completed.  I know there are more but may have missed a few pics!

The next two pictures are of potholders I did to give out to the ladies in the cookie exchange.  The ones in this picture were grabbed first to my surprise as I like the brightly colored ones myself.  I tried several techniques for putting on bincing and finally went with NOT doing the 45 degree angle instead doing a straight seam to finish them off.  They are only 7 in x 7 in so that angled seam was a nightmare.

All of these were made from leftover quilt blocks.  Some I cut down a bit.I will definitey be doing more of these as it is a great use of leftover blocks.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

I'm Still Here!!

I have been very busy just finishing off the 30 odd tops I made this summer, many of which I have already piectured but  many are done now.  I still have to download some more pics from my camera ut these were all from my phone.  

These 40 x 40 inch quilts were all made for donation to  the neonatal unit at the local hospital.

This was my own variation on my old "bagel" quilt.  It was quite by accident but I ended up liking it!

It is a variation of the old kaleidoscope block but with some light color in the "spokes".

Before Christmas, I had a very fun time with some friends of my daughter working on a cookie exchange in the kitchen of one of her friends!

The next four are all donation quilts
 for another group I participate in.  They are all about 40 inches wide and 60 to 80 inches long.There is also another one still  on my camera!!  I have been very busy machine quilting!!


I have been fascinated by this block and did break it down so I could try it out.  The toughest part was the half rectangles.  I finally found it was easier to just cut them diagonally and piece rather than making them like you do half square triangles.  Stilll don't have the right measurements down pat, but I am getting there.

This is the block!  You then put four of them together.  I am working on a version of this for my guild's challenge but won't post that for awhie!