This was a group of four Red Headed Ducks. These were unmistakeable in the bright sunlight. Most of the time, they had their heads tucked down because of the high wind. I finally caught one looking out but certainly red headed!
This was kind of a random week with miscellaneous things taking up the days. And one of those things was a trip out to the movies to see The King's Speech which was one of the best movies I have seen in years!! My dh managed to get the stomach flu on Tuesday so I have been waiting for my own symptoms -- I may be home free but won't declare victory until next Tuesday -- I HATE stomach flu...
The snow was pretty deep last weekend so I did take some of my very old and leftover dyes and tried some snow dyeing. It was moderately successful but I used far too much dye thinking that ten year old dye powder is probably pretty weak -- wrong there!! I don't think any of the dye I used was less than ten years old as a matter of a fact. I have been trying to use up what I had before ordering more but I am out of some of my favorites and decided as a result of this dyeing that I will have to replenish or be bored to death with my results!!
Now the snow is melting like crazy but I do have some fabric prepared for the next snow. After all in upstate NY, we can be guaranteed more snow before the end of March!! I am also going to overdye some of the snow dyed fabric -- just have to decide on the colors.
It was so warm today a trip to the outlet was called for to see what the birds are doing. In one week it has gone from being totally iced up to all the snow melted on the walk out on the pier. There were a few different ducks but not as many as last year. It was a beautiful day (except for the high winds) to be outside -- almost shirtsleeve weather with bright blue skies!

This was one of the ever -present Oldsquaws. This was the only picture that had his long tail showing. He is a very striking duck, I think.

The Ring Billed Gulls were standing still going into the wind which made picture taking easier!

I believe this was a Bufflehead which I hadn't seen up here before. Sure looks like the female.

And here is my mystery duck. The best I can do is think it is a Surf Scoter. It was a good sized duck with an almost square looking bill and definitely a diving duck. Gail, got any ideas?

All the old familiar faces were there today and the Mute Swans were again fishing and quite successful at that!