I have seen versions of this quilt on Pinterest and have wanted to construct one for a while. It looks pretty easy but I didn't think it was!! Maybe faster the next time. Anyway, I found this pile of Kaffe Fassett fabrics all in browns which I had left behind up here in Rochester (I took all the brightly colored ones south and don't really work in browns anymore). I cut up 4 1/2 inch squares and then made the half square triangles using the "8 at a time method" I documented before. It uses 10 in squares of black and white. Three ten inch squares gave me enough for the top.

I found a small piece of the beige fabric to use to finish off the sides. I had a terrible time figuring out how many to do across and down and screwed up a number of times on my design wall (not sewing thankfully). I started with a 7 across by 8 down set but ended up doing 6 across and 10 down so that the corners would be the same. This also allows for borders without having to buy double fabric. It will be a "comfort quilt" to be donated either here or NC. I started sewing the top left corner just to see how it tooks and I am pleased.
I finally sewed all the rows and have them on my design wall awaiting my putting them all together. My back decided to give me fits at the end of this day of sewing so I am resting a bit before completion. I think I will attempt putting it together here in Rochester as I sewed a bunch of batting together the other day so should have a piece big enough.
I am pretty sure I will do more of this design as I really like it and it is a good use of all those bags of 5 in squares I have. Trimming them to 4 1/2 inches is easy!
If I do baby quilts, I will make them 6 x 8 and use a softer color instead of the black.
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