Well, haven't updated the blog for a week as I came down with some virus that just caused me to pretty much veg out most of the previous week. I did attend the first quilt club meeting of GVQC and it was great! The above quilt was exquisite and made by Chris Wickert while she was recuperating from a very serious illness. She did the whole thing by hand!! The talk by the Fiber Folk was particularly appreciated (as well as their artistry).
The first day of our jacket class with Priscilla Kibbee was excellent. She told us we could make our own pattern or use any of her patterns that she had brought with her. We have five people in the class and we are using four different patterns. I am using the one I was least likely to pick -- a short butterfly jacket which is an old Vogue pattern Priscilla had. Mary and Lynn picked the Quilter's Jacket, Marcia -- the quilter's vest and Beverly - the 12 Fat Quarter Jacket.
We began the day by tracing our patterns and then cutting them out from flannel which we will use to back each piece. Our next step was working with Priscilla and our stashes to find the fabrics that would work best together. This is the beginning of Beverly's jacket front.
This is Marcia and Priscilla auditioning fabrics
We had to give up some our favorites in this step but it suddenly looked much better after the outlyers were removed. Priscilla then gave us a nudge to get started on actually putting the design together.
I am incorporating a batik from Viet Nam in mine. I had already stripped some pieces for a class I took a couple of years ago and never finished. My jacket back is almost done at the end of today. I will start another one if I get this one done! I am very happy with it so far. This is my final for the day.
This is Lynn's final for the day.
A high point of the day was the review of the molas that Priscilla recently purchased directly from the Kuni Indians on the San Blas Islands off the coast of Panama.
We are so lucky that she loves to do this traveling and we get to pick from what she brings back! She had an incredible bunch today!! A few came home with me but not the ones pictured as they were Beverly's picks!
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