I couldn't help taking a pictures of our two trapped kitties making friends with Sammy, our next door neighbor's free roaming cat. George loves being outside in his penned-in area while Cheney would just as soon pass on that luxury!
Well, the week started relatively well with getting the heron all put together. However, life interrupted the advances -- both good things and bad things. Bad thing was a much feared root canal through a tooth with a crown already on it. After having had dear husband and closest friend have disastrous results on a similar dental excursion, I was expecting the worst. Fortunately, it was a piece of cake but it certainly distracted me for the first part of the week and I swear taking the penicillin each day is making me extra tired.
The other distraction was clearly of the good kind!! Thanks to the internet, I found my best friend from high school after not knowing where she was for 35 years! She went and moved -- no wonder I couldn't find her!! We have been catching up via email for the past week and I will be seeing her in December when I visit Florida, where she now lives. I was thrilled to find her. And what is even cooler is that we are meeting at her sister-in-law's house and her SIL is an art quilter -- now how neat is that! It is funny what the two of us remember and what we had forgotten! I might add that we met again through Classmates.com.

I have also culled out another 100 books or so from my library and it hardly looks like there are any missing. Will try to sell them locally before I put them up on Amazon. I have a lot of very nice quilting books that I have purchased over the past 30 years -- far too many in some years!