Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Katazome - Day 2

Another appallingly hot day to be spending with no air conditioning but if we didn't move at all, it was okay. The room was not bad but when 15 of us had to gather in the kitchen - oh my....
At lunch Karen shared many of the pieces she has made using these techniques. Isn't this gorgeous!

This is one of Karen's pieces which looked all muted and mushy when all the paste was still on but look at it now with the paste washed off! There is a lot of control with her techniques and dyes.

The next two are the before and after pictures of one of Karen's pieces. The first has the resist still on it.

This is my piece with the resist still on. I can't wash it out until next week sometime at the earliest! How about testing our patience!

Barb and Diane are working on their pieces here.

Barb and Glynnis are working on their pieces -- both very nice!

Here Karen was demonstrating how to make the patterns match using these stencils so that you can make large patterns.

Here we are all crowded in the kitchen as Karen mixes up our pigments and soy milk binder.

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