Well, I am back in Kure Beach and was greeted almost the first day with 22 Ibis grazing across the street! Here are two of them, a mature one in the background and a juvenile in the front.
Before we arrived down here, they had several days of rain and more rain and this Killdeer was making himself comfortable in one of the newly formed ponds that met me in many places. He wasn't by himself either!!
There were quite a few Monarchs feasting on this bush down at Ft. Fisher. There were many bushes like this but this seems to be the one that attracts the butterflies as the next day it was covered with Buckeyes!
I am continuing to see quite a number of Monarchs so am assuming that they are migrating through still.
I have been seeing lots and lots of Bluebirds down at Ft. Fisher as well Palm Warblers.
Red-bellied Woodpeckers are pretty common everywhere!
I was very surprised to see a pair of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers down at Ft. Fisher. They were really quite far away and I didn't identify them until looking at the pictures when I got home.
Here is the pair of them who nicely posed for me! I haven't seen this woodpecker for years and it is a first down here for me. I have since seen them in a different place!
Finished wall hanging with gel prints
1 day ago
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