Well, first I have to show you a piece of fabric I fell in love with and am pondering what to use it for! The repeat is 36 inches which is very large for fabric like this and I only have a piece that is 40 x 108. It was a gift from my sister, who, I might add, is a very bad influence on me! I visited her in Florida last week and the first day, she suggested we visit a local quilt shop that was in its last week of going out of business!! Everything was 75% off and even me, who has sworn off buying any more fabric, succumbed and bought a couple of smallish pieces of purple (my weakness) and a whole bolt of a green leafy grassy print. When it is less than $3/yd, who can resist? As it turned out, I bought as a backing for one of the two Farmer's Wife sampler quilts but it is perfect for both of them and there will only be a scrap left when I got it for them! 
Then I mentioned to my sister that I was getting low on purples and greens, so she dragged out two boxes of purples and let me have whatever I wanted!! More purple and green quilts in my future. I should note that my sister used to make quilts for Hoffman and got lots of batiks in return!
Here is another qayg baby quilt and I still have a lot of the center strip fabric left so there will be more. Actually using up some of my lightly dyed lavender fabric in these!
Here is the back. Like the front, I chose the lighter of my strips which I don't use in the larger "stained glass" quilts.
This is probably the last one using the darker blue strips. I do have some yardage of a lighter set of blue strips so may use thosee.
This is the back of the above quilt. These are so fast to make!I have proceeded to start putting together the Farmer's Wife quilts, starting with the "20s" version which is puples, greens, yellows and a smattering of blue. It is in 3 sections and I have spray basted 2 sections so far and will get the third done today and maybe get started on the 30's version which is mainly blues and greens. Of course both have beige/white components as well. Both will look great with the green fabric I bought and I am so glad to find a use for for the whole bolt so quickly. It assuages my guilt a little!
After that, I am going to make a "Quilts of Valor" quilt. Our current Guild president gave a presentation in November on this program as I was very, very impressed with the care that goes into giving these quilts. I picked up some blue patriotic fat quarters that she had for working on them and have been searching for patterns that I like and have found 3 or 4 that I liked. It might be awhile as the machine quilting on the FW quilts won't be quick! Hopefully, they will turn out good enough that I can enter them into the Rochester club show in May.