What a busy day!! It was the first meeting of our quilt club for the new year and I had the car filled from top to bottom with stuff to take to North Carolina. Our speaker for September was Paula Nadelstern so I decided I would have to take my PN inspired Snowflake Quilt for Show and Tell, even though it had been in a quilt show 5 years earlier (no one remembered it anyway!). To assuage my conscience about showing a quilt a second time, I decided that I would need to machine quilt it more densely than I had so....the day before leaving for NC, I machine quilt away! Of course I discovered that it probably not a good idea to quilt with a 12 pound cat sitting on the quilt. I finally had to throw him out when he decided he needed to play since just riding on the quilt was just boring. He got locked out just a few minutes later!
The meeting was filled to the brim but there were only a few quilts for show and tell which was fine.

This is another magnificent piece by Marcia Eygabroat
(http://www.quiltedartworks.com/ ) of her parents. Her mother, Sally Hershberg is a longtime GVQC member. We are so lucky to have Marcia in our club as well as RAFA. She moved up north from down here in Wilmington NC (and actually used to live on the same street I currently have the beach house!) Small world.

This is a very poor picture of Paula Nadelstern's snowflake quilt but it gives you the idea.

Here is my version which was all original snowflake designs (the bigger flakes). The smaller and medium sized white flakes were all silk screened on with white paint after the quilt was completed (and trust me, that took guts and lots of practice on scraps). I also free hand machine embroidered small silver snowflakes all over the background. I added the all over quilting the day before the meeting. If you double click you can see more detail!
After the meeting, Priscilla and I headed quickly out to the car and started on our North Carolina trek. First stop was Binghamton New York which was a little out of the way. There had been a notice of a quilt show which would have its Opening Reception that afternoon at SUNY Binghamton(http://www2.binghamton.edu/art-museum/exhibitions/index.html). Priscilla had contacted her daughter the day before and asked if she minded if we crashed there for the night!
The quilt show was well worth the extra hour of time we used heading south!!! It was two quilt shows in one which was an extra treat. More coming -- keep watching the blog!!