My fervor for finishing this quilt top is undiminished but it is taking a lot of time! We may have to chalk this one up to a significant learning experience. It is taking a lot longer to put together than the other two pieces that I have done. Working with yellow and orange is difficult as there is not much value variation and the color can be a bit overwhelming. Hopefully the deep green background will balance it enough so that you don't cringe when you look at it! Of course the sewing room is so full of unfurled fabric right now that even the cats are afraid to come in! At the rate I am going, it should be four or five more days before I have finished all the sections. Of course, then there will be a liberal dose of unpiecing, some of which I have already done! Right now there are large sections that are being held up with pins but which are not sewn into larger pieces. This is probably where I deviate the most from Ruth. I can't put up all the pieces individually and then decide which ones I don't like. I have to piece together sections before I can make those decisions which of course means I have to do some unsewing or secret applique to improve my decisions!
Speaking of cats, Warren built a very large cat tree for the kitties in hope that our furniture will be spared. He put some perches on it for them to sit on as well. Cheney has made himself very much at home as you can see, sitting on the very top perch in these two pictures-- his favorite place up high.

George, on the other hand won't stray very far from his human companions so has spent very little time inspecting the pole unless we are right there with him. He has delusions of doghood -- we keep telling him he is a cat though but to no avail.
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