Well, despite dire warnings about the weather today, it has been beautiful and sunny all day although the breeze picked up enough that I came inside in the late afternoon! Again t-shirt weather so we follow it to Florida this week!
These are our resident ibis feasting on a neighbor's lawn. The books say that the northern range for the white ibis is S. Carolina but I guess since we are so close..... the barrier islands nearby provide rookeries for a lot of sea birds.

The pelicans were truly going nuts today and I consistently saw 20-30 of them diving continuously in the shallow water off our beach. This went on pretty much the whole day.

My bird book is packed away so I can't identify this pretty little fellow. He is not familiar to me at all! I frequently get a glimpse of many small birds around here as well as the everpresent mockingbirds. The woods are just two blocks behind us. Well, one of my Facebook friends (my best friend in elementary school) identified this bird as a loggerhead shrike and I think she is right on! My picture is a bit fuzzy as it was taken from quite a distance.

Our roses are still blooming like crazy with lots of buds. Don't know whether I should dead head all the rosehips. This is a pretty hardy beach rose!
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