This is the view from my driveway. Our house side is on the right and you can see how close the giant pond is. It extends back a block and covers the street on the other side of our neighbors to the left. They sustained a bit of wind damage and he had to move his car to higher ground mid-afternoon yesterday. I think I mentioned in my last post that they were predicting some rain for this week but I did have my doubts. Oh, My....
Who would have thought! For the first four weeks we were here, we had the most beautiful weather you could imagine! It never occurred to me that this area was like Rochester in that you pay.... We have had over 20 inches of rain in the past few days, breaking all records for this area for the last 130 years. Now just to spice things up, the wind is probably 40-50 mph with gusts of 60. It took three screens on the Weather Channel to display all the warnings for the area which included, flooding, tornadoes and gale force winds!! I finally got up after getting very little sleep last night with all the noise.
The local Wilmington newspaper (StarNews) yesterday in their forecast for the day actually said "mind boggling amounts of rain". We figured it was a new weather phrase like grapple which is used in Rochester!
This is our next door neighbor's house really surrounded by water as is the house behind him and the one across the street. Shortly after this photo was taken, the town came in with a pump and pumped most of the afternoon and took it down to a more modest level (and away from our house at least.) Of course it is pouring again so hopefully they won't have to come back. We heard in the car going while going shopping that River Road in the heart of Wilmington is now flooded over and closed because of the exceptionally high tide. Methinks they need to redefine what a tropical storm and hurricane are!! This "event" is neither but when your house is shaking from the wind and you have 20+ inches of rain in a few days.....