This is a Sherman Fox Squirrel, or a "monkey squirrel" as they are nicknamed and he is posing for me on my sister's feeder where he tried to deplete her supply of seeds.
How can you not like that face!
Here is a female Downy Woodpecker and a Pine Warbler looking on! It was a very cloudy rainy day.
This is a male Downy Woodpecker.
Red-bellied Woodpecker.
This is an Eastern Phoebe but taken in Ft. Fisher not down here in Florida.
Of course it wouldn't be complete without showing some of my latest project. These blocks were made from the leftovers of the backing of the Mystery Quilt. I really like the 4 patch posies and am trying different sets as I am supposed to teach a class on this in February.
I finished four blocks with their setting to see how they would look.
I decided to try them on point.
Here is the finished top which is about 42 x 60 and the fabric on the top and bottom is the remainder of that backing fabric. The repeat was 24 inches.
These were literally posies constructed from the remnants of hexagons -- pieces not big enough for the hexies. These blocks are 4 1/2 inches. If you look closely on the right hand side, you will see several blocks that contain 2 different pieces so they are 2 patches!! Think they look okay so another possibility! So I have now done, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 piece stack and whacks!!
Finished wall hanging with gel prints
1 day ago
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