These are two of the aprons that I have finished as gifts to my brother in law who is a fabulous cook and nicely fed us many times the last time we were in Ft. Myers and even took over the kitchen at the beach house when he visited. It helps that he loves to cook and only uses the freshest ingredients he can find.
This first apron was made using a shibori technique with the heavy twill fabric that I found at Joanns. It dyed beautifully as you can see.

The second apron is a navy blue twill with a marbled design in the front. I used that special press and stick plastic wrap to block off just the area I wanted to marble.

These last few blocks are the beginnings of a challenge piece that is due by the beginning of November. I had the design for it weeks ago. The challenge was to take inspiration from one of the molas that we have purchased from Priscilla Kibbee and to create a piece no smaller than 24" x 24". Mine is a fairly literal interpretation of my mola (no surprise there). It will be much bigger than the smallest dimensions and hopefully the drafted pieces will fit together at the end!! Otherwise, there may be a lot of that fudge factor coming into play. It will be completely pieced. It requires 12 of the spiral blocks and 24 of the triangular blocks. They may look straightforward but believe me they are not!! Just try to piece those spirals going in opposite directions and get the pieces in the right place... And the triangles have two different sizes of strips depending upon the side...
I am using all my own hand dyed fabrics except for the black. One of these days I will have to organize my dyed fabrics in some sort of order. Right now they are everywhere but mostly in boxes which I paw through every time I start a project!
Wow - Bill will be THRILLED! They look awesome!
Wouldn't it be fun to dye around spoons, or forks, or maybe spatulae (sp?). For the apron effect...
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