Along with the Iron Quilter competition, the Ithaca guild had a very nice quilt show. I took quite a few pictures of ones that are especially of interest to me which includes a wonderful assortment of scrap quilts and stack and whacks. I have ceased making the stack and whacks after getting totally addicted to them and making at least 25! I still like to look at some of the wonderful fabric choices that others make though. I do love symmetry. There were several other really spectacular quilts in the show but mine is but a small sampling and hopefully someone will tell me which ones win the Viewers Choice awards.

I thought this quilt was just spectacular and had my vote for the best large quilt!! It was based on a Kaffe Fassett Museum quilt and it was this lady's FIRST quilt! Oh My!

This was a beautiful medium sized contemporary quilt.

Again, this was a lovely scrap quilt and I thought the best of the scrap quilts in the show although I thought they were all very nice.

This last one was one of three "stack and whacks" that was in the show and it was inspired by molas. I thought it was a wonderful fabric to show off this pattern!!

I loved this one called Fireworks that was made as a gift to a couple.
The link below gives you a brief view of the quilts. If you double click on it, it will take you to my Picasa site where you can see all the quilts full sized!
Hi Beth, I was chatting with you at the quilt show. You had mentioned the stat counter site and of course I cannot remember it! Could you clue me in again?
Hi Beth,
I work for a non-profit organization in Ithaca. We are participating in the Ithaca Alternative Gift Fair this year. I would love to email you about using some of your images on this blog! They're beautiful.
Please get in touch with me (this is the only way I could figure out how to contact you). I'd love for you to email me at
Thank you so much! -Emma
Hi Beth,
Can you perhaps explain how the Scrappy quilt that is squares set on point was made? I've been saving scraps and Really love this one!! It's just perfect! Thanks, Connie
I am assuming you mean the quilt with dark and light squares. Very, very easy -- It is just nine-patches basically, but there instead of nine squares, there are six squares, 3 dark and 3 light and then three squares that are made of two triangles, one half dark and one half light. Double click on the quilt image and you will be able to see how it is put together.
Hi Beth,
It took some second looks, but I did figure out the block. But I am still trying to figure out the sewing order for placement to achieve the colorways. Did you just pull out all your blues and sew them and continue with the next colorway? Sorry to be so persistant. I'm new at quilting and have much to learn. I LOVE this quilt and really want to make one. Are the blocks are cut 2.5 or smaller? When you sorted colors, you sorted them by light -medium and then mediurm dark - dark, right? Then sewed 9 paches and sorted them again into color groups right? Any tips would be most helpful to me. I am going to make up a "mock" block tonight so I can grasp the diagonal placement. It's SO Stunning! It would make my Gransma smile!
Well, it isn't my quilt, just a picture I took at a show but my guess is that the woman just sewed a bunch of scraps that she liked together and then sorted them out on a design wall when she was about halfway through and then decided what blocks she needed to make. It is truly a scrappy quilt and of I were making (which I may just do some day as I love scrap quilts), that is how I would approach it. I would make the squares each about 2 1/2 inches (finished size of 2 inches so that each block is six inches). The triangles are "half square triangles" which are made by taking a square about 3 3/8 inches and cutting it down the middle. (Not sure about that last measurement but try it and refine the size you need to make -- I think it is the size of the square plus 7/8 inch but don't have my books anymore). There is no real cookbook for this one but a design wall is essential!!
Thanks, Beth~
I'll try that. I can't wait to start this one. Will post a pic when I'm done with directions. I have a design wall waiting..:)
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