I started this jacket about a year ago as part of a turquoise jacket challenge. As I am working on quilting the lion quilt on my home machine, I picked this up to continue on and surprisingly finished the back and the two sleeves. I made some progress on the fronts as well and am quite pleased! It will be great with blue jeans. I am using some of my marbled (back lower right) and salt dyed fabrics (back lower right and top of front) in this jacket. You might have to double click on the picture to see the detail!
Today was the day to meet with our Project Iron Quilter judge, Genie Barnes, who is well known to the quilt world! She was extremely helpful in getting some loose ends tied up so a week from today the big competition will begin!!

This is a closeup of the sleeves. The panels in the middle are cut from one long strip of Hmong embroidery from Laos that I bought from Priscilla some time ago. They were perfect for this. I still have to add a little bling to outline the strips (some shiny cording or yarn) but really like the striped fabric next to the panelled fabric. Amazingly, it has just about all the colors! I will be adding a little bling to the back as well.

Marcia has made significant progress with her latest jet trails quilt and it gets better all the time!

Bill alerted us to the fact that he had stirred up the pasture when mowing where this fawn was hiding in the tall grass. This is a frequent occurrence in spring. According to Bill, the doe leaves the fawn and the fawns don't move until she comes back to get them. He commented that they have no scent to attract coyotes and foxes at this stage in their life and are safe until mom returns which she did. He or she was just so beautiful -- probably smaller than a beagle at this stage.
That jacket is beautiful!!!
I like the Bambi so much.
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