Don't know anything about mushrooms but had to snap a picture of these (and there were a lot more) growing in a pile of mulch in our neighbor's yard. We used to have tons of mushrooms in our yard of all sorts of variety but they really don't come back to exactly the same place year after year.
Marcia finished the quilting on this beautiful quilt in her jet trails series. Loved the colors in this one.
It was a great day and good to reconnect with another art quilting friend who happened to be there as well as Priscilla. I managed to pin baste 5 full sized quilts yesterday on Marcia's big tables so was very happy about my progress. Now I will put them into one of those big bags, vacuum out the air and take them to the beach. It will be awhile before I get back to visit with Marcia and Priscilla but they promised to keep their blogs up to date so I wouldn't miss out on anything!
This picture was taken by Scott Veal and was of a waterspout that turned into a tornado just down the way from my beach house (our renters watched from our porch) last Thursday!! Of course a month ago we were hit by lightening. After the tornado, I knew a hurricane would be coming.....
Of course, my plans had to be rather drastically altered because of the Irene so all of you wish me luck!! I am heading first to Charlotte rather than the beach (and next week instead of this one), pick up my daughter's two kitties which I will then drive down to the beach. Hopefully all will still be standing and in livable condition. Our house is a block from the beach with nothing between us and the water. We had to pay someone to come in and close all our hurricane shutters (thankfully we purchased them last year and had them installed). The storm was poised for a direct hit (as of Tues morning) but looks like we will get less impact now (although winds estimated to be 60-70 currently). I was down there last year for 50 mph winds and I don't want to repeat that experience any time soon! Dear husband will be holding the fort up here in Western NY.
I turned over ten comfort quilts which I completed to Marcia to turn in at our monthly GVQC meeting so that clears up some of the clutter. Getting the other seven real quilts pin basted has organized things a bit more. I will machine quilt them down at the beach where they will eventually live. I now have a few more days to get things together to keep me busy! I did manage to get to Borders and get audio tapes for 40% off for the ride down -- it makes it so much easier when you are by yourself!
Finished wall hanging with gel prints
1 day ago
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