Our sun is finally back after the several days of clouds and rain and it was starting to set as LJ and I finished our walk down at the lake today. I didn't expect to see anything new today but as always was surprised. I got to show off some of my regular ducks to LJ and spotted one I hadn't seen down here before -- although I have seen lots of them in Rochester.
This is a male Long Tailed Duck (formerly known as an Oldsquaw). They are a really pretty duck in their winter plumage which is much nicer than their summer togs. I had to lighten up the photo to finally identify the duck as I was looking right into the sun. I see a lot of these up on Lake Ontario in the winter even though the bird book describes them as a sea duck.
The White-Winged Scoter was again there today looking a little more awake than yesterday.
This is a better picture of the quilt I just finished. I finally laid it out on the bed.
I finally finished quilting around all the individual motifs in the Baltimore Album quilt and am now tackling the leaves in the border which should go fairly quickly. I may just get this done. If you double-click, you might be able to see the quilting which is done right next to appliqued bits!
Finished wall hanging with gel prints
2 days ago
I have been meaning to tell you how much I love to see all of the bird pictures you post. How you get such beautiful pictures, I have no idea! Please keep posting them. I, for one, will be enjoying them.
Thanks! It's nice to know that someone enjoys the bird pictures. Most have been taken with my little point and shoot lately -- a Canon with a 35x optical zoom/12 megapixels.
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