Been back to more ice dyeing! Really like how this last batch came out. Think I have finally gotten the right amount of dye sprinkled on the ice. I also put most of the dyes into old spice and parmesan cheese shaker containers so it is more controlled. I put the sun yellow on first this time and like how they turned out. This last bunch were in smaller sizes and will be for sale at my art quilt group meeting (I just posted a picture on FB the other day and several people wanted to buy them even though I didn't really have them for sale!!).
This was the smallest size of the group - a medium as someone requested a smaller size. If she doesn't want it, I already have another person who wants it!! I have found that almost everyone likes the blue/green/yellow combination -- very Monet waterlilies!!
The remaining two t-shirts.
One of these t-shirts (and I can't identify which one even) started its life as a lime green t-shirt!! I had bought it in the wrong size so figured it would overdye nicely (and it obviously did!!).
These are several of the eight mandalas I did yesterday. I have discovered that the one closest to the ice (the top one) is the one that I had originally thought was the bottom one -- ie, the darker, more solid one is the one sitting on the "drop" cloth so the ice melting must be pushing the color down. I couldn't identify the partners in this bunch like I could in the last batch. Part of the reason is that this was literally a random bunch of fabrics that I found. I knew they were cotton but had no idea if they were pfd and mercerized, pfd only or non-pfd. They were random sizes as well and I didn't iron them before folding. I used some muslin that I found as the drop cloths. Wish I had more of that as it dyed beautifully but I have no idea what it was or where I got it.
This is one of the pieces that was on top. I had these random pieces of sateen -- didn't know whether they were the good or the non-pfd stuff I had. Guess they were the good one. All those lighter areas are where the ice melted obviously and pushed the color down. (The dyes go into the fabric before the ice is completely melted -- the kind of slide down as the ice is melting as you can see from my previous pictures.)
The colors I used were Sun Yellow, Grass Green, Leaf Green, Basic Blue and Intense Blue.
I have only washed one of the "drop cloths". This is about a yard long. I really like it and look forward to seeing how the other three turned out!!
Finished wall hanging with gel prints
3 days ago
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