Thursday, September 10, 2020

Finishing Up

This and the next three are pairs of posie blocks.  I had cut 8 repetitions and then rearrange the resulting pairs of four to get two very different looking blocks!

Here all the posies are done and the octagons are started.  I have arranged the posies in their pairs.  You can see one duplicate pair.

Here are all the octagons finished.  At this point I was going to do the same set as the last quilt I finished, putting posies between each of the octagons.  I auditioned up on the wall and decided for some reason, it was just too busy with this fabric so abandoned this idea.  The green fabric that had inspired me to use this fabric I decided would look good between each of the octagons -- just a square.  However, it was just too jarring so I searched through my stash and found a purple hiding in a bag that was supposed to go with some other fabrics for a jacket -- guess not!!

I alternated the purple and the green and then repeated them in the border and called it a day.

The top is finally done and I even found a nice fabric for the back which incorporates a lot of the same colors.  I may hold onto this one!

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