I THOUGHT I had finished up most everything when I was on vacation but when looking through my unfinished projects, several more came up to bite me. Of course at the time, I thought I might do more on some of these. However, as part of my new path, I am not going to concentrate on these very traditional quilts so they are hereby declared finished except for putting together, putting borders on, quilting and then finding them a good home. A couple are fairly complex with lots of blocks.

These are the blocks that are all made out of vintage fabric from the 1930's and 1940's. I combined blocks from a quilt I saw on ebay (and later got the pattern for) and some from my quilting software (Electric Quilt and Blockbase where I picked blocks that were originally designed in the 30's). Originally I had planned on it being much larger but have decided to concentrate my efforts elsewhere. So I am going to put a strip of solid color around each block and then put them together with muslin (off white) strips between each block. The solid color strip will coordinate with each block and will be different colors but still of the 30's fabric. Each of these blocks is only 4 inches by 4 inches and several have over 100 pieces -- see why I am declaring this one finished!

This is one of my first quilt tops made in the late 1980's -- about 20 years ago. The fabric shows its age and this was my sampler to learn how to hand applique and several of the blocks show it. Again, this used to be what I loved to do and I did many of these blocks while traveling on business and on planes and in hotel rooms. I was going to do two - one for each daughter but again am declaring this one done except for a border that I am designing and will also applique!!

This is a small quilt top made with blocks I gathered as part of a basket exchange in 2005 (I think). It deserves to be finished!!
Just needs to be sewn together and some borders applied, then it will be hand quilted I think if I don't have the Baltimore Album one done.

These are batik Dear Jane (4 1/2 inch) blocks that I did as part of an online exchange many years ago. I found I had 111 so decided I could make a 9 x 12 block top. I will be "sashing" this with a nice rich navy blue (if I can find it before Friday). I have just the fabric but the place where I got it no longer carries it -- darn.

Last but not least is this 35 block quilt top which is made with blocks left over from another quilt I made as a shower present for a new bride a couple of years ago. It also deserves to be finished.
Now wasn't that a productive day! I might also add we went out to lunch and also did some fabric shopping at a store that is going out of business!
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