Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Manatees, Check; Monk Parakeets, Check; Burrowing Owls, No Check

Gail and Bill called yesterday and asked if I would like to visit Manatee Park here in Ft. Myers. Warren and I have many times tried to see manatees there but it is always too early in the season -- not this year with the cold temps!! There were lots of manatees. Warren had announced that he didn't want to see the manatees as he just thought they were plain ugly!! No soul... These manatees just didn't want to stick their whole head out of the water!

This is a picture of two of the Monk Parakeets. These parakeets are the result of pets released many years ago and have a thriving community on Cape Coral (home also of the Burrowing Owls). There were about seven of these birds hanging out on the electric lines. The Burrowing Owls thought better of coming out of their burrows this visit though!! Can't say as I blame them. It is definitely much colder here than I have ever seen!

On our way to see the Monk Parakeets and Burrowing Owls, we spotted this nice looking Meadowlark. We used to have these all the time in Batavia when we lived in the country.

Back at the condo, I spotted this cormorant drying off. I haven't seen these in the canal before.

Because our neighbor isn't cleaning his fish anymore, the pelicans have been scarcer but two did come to visit and have some fish out of the canal.

The Great Egret is a frequent visitor.

Of course a closeup of the pelican is in order. You can see the faint gold on his head. During the mating season, this will be a striking gold.

Of course, we had to take a picture of George being his cute self -- so angelic when he is asleep. They have taken to sleeping all day when we are away and then playing all night...

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