I finally spotted an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail the other day but he was pretty bedraggled as was one of the other butterflies I spotted.
This was a Black Swallowtail who was also a bit torn up but looks good in this pose.
Last but certainly not least, a lovely Monarch graced the butterfly bush in this beautiful weather we have been having!
I know there is a butterfly quilt in my future.
Our begonias have been stunning this year, just covered with blossonms. This is one of my favorities -- the yellow begonias right after a little rain.
We visited friends out in the country and they have a very active bird feeder in their yard. Unfortunately, there are not as many birds this time of year. May or June are much better months when the feeders are covered with Red Breasted Grosbeaks and Baltimore Orioles. I did like t his pair of Mourning Doves sitting on the feeder which was a bit unusual.
Of course there is always a Hairy Woodpecker or two there.
A Goldfinch has just grabbed one of the sunflower seeds.
I believe this is a White Breasted Nuthatch. There were also House Finches and Juncos.
This should be an easy one to identify but I am not sure. It looks like it might be a female Red Breasted Grosbeak as it was a fairly good sized bird. It was much prettier than the other females I have seen it that is what it was.
Last but not least, is our friend Nola with one of her two miniature horses. He is just three years old and is turning blonde. Nola is only about 5 feet tall so you can see how small this horse is. The other one is bigger and not quite as friendly!
I couldn't help myself and bought some more ice yesterday while grocery shopping. This ice is much smaller and I think it will be great for ice dyeing and Shiborice (as a reader suggested)! I am going to try 8 thicknesses this time and may actually try some other variations at some point. I don't have much time before heading to North Carolina and a visit from youngest daughter and her family.
Embroidery Month projects
1 week ago
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