Did manage to finish this first stack and whack quilt this morning.
This is the fabric from which I made the above quilt and the second quilt developing below.
I had 12 blocks left over from making the above quilt and found a format that used that number so none was wasted. I thought this green fabric would work for the triangle points -- guess not!!
I found a half yard of this hand dye which seems to do the trick but barely enough to get the triangles I needed.
Found this nice batik to finish this off. I will probably add a strip of this lighter green on the top and bottom.
First audition of border fabrics. Hmmm...
This is the second iteration. I finally decided on the yellow and found a darker green batik that I will use instead of the blue. Hopefully I will get it done tomorrow.
This was the second of the stack and whack fabrics that I made into hexagons.These hexagons are considerably smaller but I think more graphic. Not sure I will be able to part with this one. I haven't decided whether to do a "one-block wonder" or just a plain stack and whack.
This is the second variation. There are currently 48 blocks. I didn't think I would like the one-block wonder variation but I really do so...
On another totally different front, I always have a handwork project and this is my next one -- a quilt called the Passacaglia quilt which is English paper pieced and very very intricate. Don't know whether i will actually do the whole thing -- we shall see. I have been surprised how quickly the sewing has gone however. The fussy cutting of all the pieces is a different story!! I have used a lot of hand dyes and it makes the hand sewing a lot more difficult.
Finished wall hanging with gel prints
1 day ago
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