I made a few more four patches and took the ones I didn't use from the first quilt and came up with a third one. So now I have 10 neo-natal quilt tops that have to be basted and quilted.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Baby Quilts and Great Blue Heron Progress
I made a few more four patches and took the ones I didn't use from the first quilt and came up with a third one. So now I have 10 neo-natal quilt tops that have to be basted and quilted.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Half Square Triangles - a Primer
I decided to try a method that I had not tried before. The methods I have used in the past are (1) two squares sewn together down the middle - 1/4 from each side of the center marked area;; (2) just cutting two 45 degree triangles and sewing them together; (3) sewing two strips together, both top and bottom and then using a 45 degree triangle ruler and cutting them out -- this is super fast but results in all bias edges but it is super fast and (4) this method which I kind of guessed at and know I have seen done in the past.
The above is the first step. Decide what size squares you want to end up with and multiple the width of the resulting squares by 2 and add 1 inch. So if you want 4 1/2 inch (unfinished) half square triangles, Multiply 4 1/2 x 2 and add one inch or a 10 inch square. Then mark the two diagonals. Sew 1/4 inch from either side of the 2 diagonals.
Rotary cut along those drawn lines to get 4 triangles with stitching on two side.This is the part that is probably obvious to all but wasn't to me. Align the ruler so that one corner is on a corner where the two colors come together. Then align the ruler so that the 4 1/2 is on either side and then trim.
For some reason, I liked this strategy the best. I only decided to try this because I had these leftover 10 in squares from the prize fabric and thought I would try something different with it as it was rather dark. These squares have definitely led to a lot of experimenting.
Thursday, January 7, 2021
More Baby Quilts!
I won several bits of fabric during a quilt guild raffle in December. One was a packet of 10 inch squares, most of which I wasn't crazy about. I have been on a kick to try new patterns for the baby quilts (like the knot quilt from a few days ago). Delectable Mountains is one I hadn't made before. I have two lovely batik layer cakes saved in my stash but wanted to try out the block before cutting into them. It turns out the block is super super easy which was a surprise. The only trick is that you have to cut a left and a right side version. Also the blocks are higher than they are wide when completed. This was the first iteration I tried as I had two each of the 10 inch blocks.
I like playing with new blocks to see how I can "scrappify" them sensibly. This shows some real opportunity!
Here are the two baby quilt tops finished.
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
A Few Birds to Break up the Week!
One of several Kildeer feeding in the shallows.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Miscellaneous Projects for the New Year

I discovered this knot block online and thought I would try it out. After making the first few above, I decided to not make the predominant pieces so scrappy. Doing it again I would probably use a brighter more striking color as part of the knot instead of the green. The block is really simple.
This is the fabric for the next stack and whack While organizing on New Year's Day, I discovered two bags of already made blocks from last summer's sewing.
Much like another quilt I did, I surrounded each 4 1/2 inch block with different colors as i thought it was a bit dull. Most are my hand dyes with a couple of old sateens (the pinks) thrown in!
Used some more of the kaleidoscocpe triangles to make one of my favorite versions. I did a large one of these last year which my daughter grabbed up! This ended up about 40 x 60 also.
Monday, January 4, 2021
Finished Baby Quilts!
I am working on several more right now. I got behind on blogs as I managed to exacerbate my old whiplash injury over Christmas so sitting and typing was problematic.
I am hoping everyone has a much better year than this last one.