This beautiful quilt is the raffle quilt for our 2009 raffle for GVQC. This stunning quilt was designed by Pat Pauly (she has a quilt in Quilt National this year) and was put together by many members of the quilt club. It was all paper pieced and patterns will be available for sale at the quilt show. See my sidebar for further information on the show and the Quilt Challenge sponsored by Blank Fabrics.

We had a lovely show and tell as usual and I took a few pictures but it is difficult to get a good angle and I was way far away from the stage!

I had to get a picture of this one as it has the four pieced stack and whacks in the center and I thought this was a lovely setting. They are sooo addictive.

I thought this quilt was just stunning. Beth machine quilted in the ditch and then did hand quilting in the rest.

One of our quilt club members did a lovely and very lively show and tell of quilts that she owns with a narrative on quilt history from one of the other club members. It was just plain fun and very relaxing! This was my very favorite top which I think was made between 1860 and 1870 but it may be earlier because of the quality of the stitching in the applique.
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