I was prancing around yesterday modelling my almost done new turquoise jacket (part of our turquoise jacket challenge a year ago) and Priscilla took these nice pictures. She told me I could share them. Here is the back of the jacket. At the bottom is some of my hand dyed salt fabrics and a piece of my marbled fabric. The diagonal piece of flowered fabric was my inspiration and I am sad I only have a little bit left (a Westminster Philip Jacobs print).

This is the front and unfortunately you can see very little of the sleeves which have a piece of hand embroidered Laotian (I believe) fabric centered in the middle. The upper diagonal piece is also a salt dyed piece and the stripey piece in the middle that matches so well is an Alex Henry (I love this fabric and bought all they had on sale at
Joanns in this as well as a couple of other colorways. I still have some purple leaf beads to put on the largish turquoise area on the front.

This is the other side of the front and I think Priscilla did a great job of getting all the different views of the jacket. It goes great with jeans too!
That may be the happiest jacket I've ever seen! Amazing!
Thanks! I like to think I am a happy person!
Beautiful colors, Beth!
Beautiful, and great colors too.
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