The weather has been really warm the past few days which has made for some spectacular sunsets so you will have to stick with me a bit!!
Down at the Basin at Ft. Fisher. Love the juxtaposition of the blue and the orange.
Even just pointing the camera at the sky in the opposite direction made for beautiful color!!
The most fun was that I was reading the paper the other morning and heard all this noise and couldn't figure out what it was -- I went over a little bit on my porch and saw that they were tearing down the ramshackle cottage that has sat next to our beach access. At first I thought they were only going to tear down the piece by the road as a second section closer to the beach looked pretty okay. This is the only house that was left between us and the ocean as others were taken down the first year we lived here. We are going to enjoy it for as long as we can as inevitably there will be new construction.
You can see the nicer house behind this front section. Bam, goes the roof for this front section.
All gone!! They came back the next day and carted away all the rubble. I still don't see a sale sign. The properties like this are worth more without the houses. A few years ago the lot would have sold for a million dollars. They will probably get at least half a million for it though even now!! Selfishly, I hope it stays vacant for awhile!!
I did get down to the "secret beach" which is the coquina shell beach that backs up to Ft. Fisher. I just love looking at the rippling rocks and the seawood covered surfaces. It was warm and therefore a bit foggy on this day.
I did see some Sanderlings going for food though. The birding down here has been less spectacular than past years. I have seen very little at Carolina Beach Lake and not even my Ruddy Turnstones on the secret beach. I don't know whether it is because of more people out or birds going further south. I have seen lots of Buffleheads and the Horned Grebes. Others have seen the Hooded Mergansers but I haven't spotted them yet but as well as any of the other ducks I am used to seeing. I have decided that since Snow Owls eat waterfowl and those same owls have migrated really far south this , this is where they have all gone!!! (Just kidding but one Snowy Owl was spotted on Wrightsville Beach which is just one beach up.)
Well, hope everyone has a happy holiday surrounded by friends and family (or by yourself for that matter)!
My daughter and her two kitties are here for the week!
I have been again making purses but that is for another blog!!
Embroidery Month projects
2 weeks ago
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