Well, we almost have the van packed with all the extras from my various cupboards and sale items from many years ago (like the king-sized sheets for $2 apiece). Every little bit will help defray the cost of furnishing all those bedrooms! We close day after tomorrow and it is getting exciting. Our wonderful realtor got the bank to agree to fix the very minor things (like no electricity in the outlets on one wall) that were wrong even though it was a foreclosure. She has been wonderful. Our mortgage broker (who is also a dear friend) managed to get us a mortgage rate 1% lower than even around here for a first house, much less a second house -- guess we are a good credit risk! So the van is full to overflowing!
I always have to have projects to do on the road and at my daughter's house -- my hands are never, ever still. So I have fussy cut about 350 hexagons so far from my stash and from fabrics given to me by friends. I probably have another 500 that have been rough cut but which will be trimmed up while merrily going down the highway. I am cutting the setting triangles this afternoon so I may even have the beginnings of a top by the time I return and the "I Spy" quilt will be done by the arrival of my first grandchild! When I get back, I am going to cut of half yards of all the other novelties (unless big enough for a quilt back and I like) and get rid of the rest.
Now I never talk about politics and won't start now but to say that it is sad that there is so much horrible negativity from both sides especially in the local elections. I just don't see the point in skewing the truth and taking things totally out of context and around here it is both sides. Politics seems so much like religion in that you get stuck in your beliefs and then frame everything that happens around you in words to support those beliefs. I think it is great that so many people around here are registering with no party affiliation!
Finished wall hanging with gel prints
13 hours ago