Well, coming from the large metropolis of Rochester, NY, I am finding it fun to quickly get to know my neighbors in Kure Beach -- which is 7/8 mile long and has a year round population of about 1800 people!! I have now met the people who own the other half of our duplex, their next door neighbors and the neighbors on the other side of us!! It's a small world as our neighbor who owns the house and empty lot next to us lives only three blocks from Lisa in Charlotte! The people behind us are also from Charlotte so Lisa will be able to carpool which will be nice for her! There are some fulltime people in the neighborhood as well as many of us part-timers so we can keep up with what is going on.
There is all sorts of neighborhood gossip, so we will have to behave down here or the world will shortly know! I had forgotten about small towns and how everyone knows everyone and most people are very accepting of new people!
It has been a fun day and our beds have arrived so no more sleeping on an air mattress!! I am patiently waiting for the living room to show up anytime now which will be nice!! The big room on the bottom floor keeps calling to me and asking to be a sewing room but I would have to buy out my daughter before that will happen!!! It would be perfect!! Nice and big and has tile floor and a bathroom right there! Maybe I can slowly but surely sneak in some sewing machines and tables.....

Our new tv stand minus a nice tv! We will be upgrading the tv to a wide screen with our next visit thanks to Lisa. This was our one big splurge as we liked the looks of this and it felt "beachy".

This is Warren enjoying the new living room furniture which is super comfy!

This is the kitchen looking a little lived in right now. We don't have wastepaper baskets or a recycling bin yet so we are improvising with trash bags and shopping bags!

This is one of the bedrooms with the new bed and a quilt gracing it (for now). It was my "quilt from hell" that has tons of pieces, all of which I had to trim!

An old high school classmate stopped by with his wife (John and Marilyn) this morning, so they were the first official visitors to the new house and they just had to take the tour. I of course wanted to show them the elevator but it was being used by the furniture guy who was also there. The weather, like the previous weekend, has been absolutely gorgeous -- t-shirts by noon even though it gets cold at night. There hasn't been a cloud in the sky at any time!