My regular grebe buddies were there today (three of the Pied Eyed Grebes) as well as the mallards and domestic ducks. However, as I was coming around the last turn, I saw what looked like another grebe to me but it had lighter patches on it and a longer bill. I was facing into the sun but tried to get a pretty good picture so I could see if the sun was just playing tricks. I looked it up when I got home and it is a Horned Grebe (the reddish brown on the neck and the white patches that extend all the way back)! I don't think I have seen one of those before at least not down by Carolina Lake so that was exciting.
My Red Headed Duck was back among the Coots and there was a sleeping Scaup as well (although it might have been a female Redhead but it wouldn't raise its head so I could see it well).
I did sew a bit this morning (my daughter has been visiting for a couple of days) as I wanted to test my fabric choices for the center blocks for the newest Serendipity quilt. This is half of the block although the wedges are not sewn together yet. I am making the center four blocks differently than the six surrounding blocks. I had to revisit the fabric shop to get some more of the darker blue in this block. I think I am really going to like this although I will have to be careful not to use too much blue. I do need a fair bit to offset the very bright warm colors that I am using though.
Finished wall hanging with gel prints
2 days ago
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