Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Musings From My Driveway

My neighbor's bird feeder is a source of many bird sightings.  Although the picture is a bit fuzzy, you can see the usual male Goldfinch, a couple of House Finches (females) and a male and female Purple Finch.  I see lots of House Finches in NC, but never the Purple Finches and had to look a couple of times to make sure that was what I was seeing.  The main difference is the extent of the crimson coloring and the lack of striping on the males which identifies a Purple Finch instead of the House Finch who has a red head but lots of brown striping on his body.  The female Purple Finch has the broad white streak across her face (right under the Goldfinch in the picture).  

Here is a male and female Goldfinch in their summer colors.  The male is on the left with his black forehead!

Just a closer view of the male Goldfinch just hanging out.

This is a closer view of the Purple Finch male.

I believe this is either a female or juvenile Cowbird which was sitting in the front yard and partaking of the bird bath water.  I haven't seen one of these for years (since leaving a more rural environment).

The weather has been beautiful since I got back here to upstate NY.  Here is the Purple Trillium that grows out back.

There is also a lot of the White Trillium whose flowers are quite a bit more showy than the purple but which will darken to pink as they begin to wilt.

Our Star Magnolia bushes are covered with blooms as is our Saucer Magnolia below!  Spring is coming with a vengence even if a little late!

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