Well, yes, I am a collector and one of the things I have collected is a running list of all the states and countries that have peered at my blog at one time or another. I have had 49 of the 50 states for about 9 mos (I just started collecting info about a year ago) but North Dakota never had any interest!! Well, this week someone from that state finally thawed and gazed at my blog!! So I can throw away my list!
The last couple of days plus tomorrow have been dedicated to making orange jackets -- this grew out of several jacket sessions we have had before where Marcia and Priscilla were determined to use some beautiful orange silk fabric. To date, the jackets have all ended up anything but orange and we can't move forward until we accomplish this task. Although I was not a part of this arrangement; coincidentally, I was actually making an orange jacket but couldn't seem to get it done. (Maybe my mother was right when she said that orange was the easiest color to get bored with.) So the orange jacket days were born.

Well here is the completed back and the beginnings of the front of my jacket. I am making use of some small hexagon Stack and Whack blocks I made a few years ago. Instead of a miniature quilt, they became the beginnings of a jacket.

This is a closeup of the middle of the back where you can see the little Stack and Whack hexagons. For awhile a few years ago, I was doing this block in all different sizes and colors. I probably made 25 of these in full size quilts, most of which I have since given away. It was like candy seeing how the radial symmetry would develop from the triangles -- hmm, has one compulsion taken over from another one? Hm........ Double click and you can see each of the hexagons which is about 3" x 3 1/2".

These are the fabrics and the beginnings of Priscilla's orange jacket. Some purple has crept in there as well (not shown yet).

Nancy didn't know we were doing orange jackets, but it is her favorite color and she had Priscilla's favorite animal on the beginnings of her jacket (tigers).

These are the beginnings (again) of Marcia's orange jacket. This is ultimately all her fault -- no one can move on and work on the turquoise jackets until the orange jackets are done.

This is Marcia with her new "Not Orange" jacket that she is making with fabric she got in Turkey. It is a lovely double faced jacquard and she is making it reversible.